sábado, 11 de abril de 2015

ATOMIC HYDROGEN ENGINE, This is an engine that operates on the principle of LANGMUIR in honor  discoverer physical winner of a Nobel prize. H2 or molecular hydrogen is divided into two H atoms, due to an intense electrical current of high voltage call PLASMA HV,  re-combination of hydrogen atoms in a molecule of H2 produces a lot of energy as heat. The phenomenon of nascent atomic hydrogen as Irwing Langmuir called, produces a large amount of energy with a very low H2,  is also clear if the use of atomic H2 on obtaining of economic sources and completely clean either by electrolysis with electricity from renewable sources, by biological methods or by using waste or scrap. Besides the Motor Atomic Hydrogen produces no nitrogen oxide because it does not burn air from the atmosphere to run, as is the case of the super polluting diesel engines and gasoline.


 The start of Atomic Hydrogen Engine in combustion mode with atmospheric air producing only water, but after a few minutes of operation in combustion mode change to function in atomic mode when all the oxygen is completed, within the engine and exhaust atomic HYDROGEN no combustion and therefore there is no generation of nitrogen oxides or polluting gases such as C02 fossil fuel or atmospheric gases.
Consumption in atomic mode only reduces to the power generation and is governed by the law of relativity E = MC ^ 2, so can run for several hours with only a few grams of H2, burning mode or start mode is a large consumption of approximately 120 NLT of H2 per minute but to change the atomic mode consumption is drastically reduced.

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